๐ŸŒŸ Special Members of the Giddy Up GGs Team, past & present.

Furry Team Members

On the farm you will encounter a number of very lovable characters. You might think they’re there just for show, but behind the scenes my furry team are helping to keep law and order.

Starting with theย hunter force, like the SAS, they leave no trace and no mice have ever been seen since they’ve gone on there special missions.ย Patch & Jodie, (our expert mouse catchers) are the technicians behind the low mice rate. Patch is getting on in years but doesn’t let that slow him down. Patch is always good for a cuddle & is a great hot water bottle in bed, too! Jodie is the head hunter and is the one that rules the roost, keeping all cats, dogs & wandering chooks in line. There is no velvet glove over her iron fist!


The Dog Brigade is a sight to be seen. Not only does it include two cats, it also consists of Milo, the Cavalier, ย Piper the ADHD chocolate coolie, Tardis, who is a Cavalier/ Brittany spaniel cross

and BJ who is Cav/small & cute cross






Tardis &BJ

Tardis & BJ


Tardis in the dark & BJ



A rare moment of Piper snoozing with Roy

A rare moment of Piper snoozing with Roy



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Nero and Milo

Past Friends

My Maxy,ย RIP Maxy Moo.ย We love you and miss you. We lost Maxย un-expectedly to cancer in Jan 2010.

Puss PussPuss Puss, too fat & lazy to catch mice but was occasionally inspired to catch a rat or rabbit. Go figure! We lost Puss Puss to a suspected kick on 3/1/11. He had adopted us at our previous property , at about the age of 6 months old, in June 2004. This photo was taken in the early hours of the morning, when I was waiting for a mare to foal. He had got cross with me for the light going on!

MelodyMelody, at the wonderful age of about 18, had a stroke and went to God on the 6th of April, 2011. Many thanks to the friends that helped us on that day. She was an awesome mouser. I saw her catch 2 mice at the same time!


My beautiful, cheeky, reliable, headstrong, amazing pony who was in my life for 22 years grew his angel wings and flew to heaven on the 30th of April, 2014.

Gizmo was an integral part of this riding centre starting and had been helping me teach since I got him as a freshly broken 3 1/2 year old. He has taken part in festivals, parades, pony clubs, shows in hand, under saddle and in harness. He was the first horse many, many people had their first ride on- from 2 year old toddlers to a 70 something year old lady. Many young girls did their first show or competition on him, learnt to jump on him and probably quite a few had their first fall on him to.

He was still in light work until about a fortnight before, when the first signs of something ย wrong appeared. I am very grateful that he was never in extreme pain, just a level of discomfort and not feeling well on and off. After several vet visits, I decided I wante him looked at by the specialist at the animal hospital and on that day I had to make the awful decision to have him out down. As it turned out, it was the right decision because we discovered he was already beginning to have organ failure. So my wonderful friend spent his last hour filled with pain killers pigging out on the lush green grass at the hospital before he was gently sedated and put to sleep. We loved you very much Gizmo.

Alicia & Gizmo
Alicia & Gizmo
Gizmo & Olivia
Gizmo & Olivia
Our logo is actually Gizmo
Our logo is actually Gizmo


Bandana came to us about 5 years ago. Of course he was a rescue. He had a tooth growing the wrong way & it was sticking into his cheek. You could see the bulge of it. He was very head shy & had no trust in people. He had obviously been abused. I decided to truck him home-they travel better on a truck than a float & my float was an hours drive away. As they were unloading him at the depot he completely lost the plot & smashed up the truck, injuring himself badly in the process. The next step was 2 weeks in hospital stitching his head back together. It was pretty gruesome and that is how he got his name! Months later after lots of time, bandage changes & loving, I rode him for the first time. He was great. Bandana became a corner stone of the business. He was a once in a lifetime horse. He looked after my beginners, my disabled riders & the more advanced riders who wanted to get up & go, jump, dressage etc.

We still miss him to this day, many hearts were broken when we lost this incredibly special horse but I was grateful for the blessing of him being in our lives.

We lost Bandana only 6 weeks after Gizmo, which really sucked. Bandana had Cushing’s disease which attacked his eyes causing problems that needed twice daily treatment. We knew the eye problems would beat us one day but we were able to keep him going for another 18 months after the diagnosis. He was only in pain in those last weeks whilst we took him to specialist after specialist, carting him all around the place to various equine hospitals, trying last ditch tries of more aggressive medications. He was on very high doses of pain killers

amy & bandana

Amy & Bandana

the whole time. When he stopped eating because moving his jaw hurt too much, despite the pain killers, I knew it was time to let him go.






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Mish & Bandana



RIP my beloved friend.



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